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2502 Lawing Ln in Rowlett, Texas

14 Day Fat Furnace Program

I had a feeling I was going to get a bunch of people who were interested in my new 14 Day Fat Flush program, but I had no idea it was going to almost sell out in only four days. waist reduction


I originally had 15 spots open, and since the email this past Wednesday I only have a few spots available for the 14 Day Fat Furnace program. And since it’s only $47 the spots sold out quickly.


But you can still get one of the few remaining spots if you call me at (214) 263-3680 or reply to this email and tell me that you want in.


The program starts this Monday, April 1st at 5:30am at 411 N. Town East Blvd in Mesquite. We will start promptly at 5:30am with a warm-up, then on to some core exercises and then into a Metabolic Resistance and Aerobic circuit that will get your fat burning genes to rockin! Games, prizes for the Biggest Loser, and more fun than anyone should be having at 5:30 in the morning. You will sweat, you will get tired, you will cuss me (under your breath, I hope) … but most of all, you will see results from these energizing workouts, short ”off day routines” you do at home, and nutritional plan!



Bring your exercise mat and light dumbbells. If you don’t have either of these, you can get them fairly cheap at Target or Walmart. The thicker mats are about $14 to $19 and the weights are pretty much a dollar a pound. Women should get a set of 5lb to 7lb dumbbells to start out, men should get between 10lb to 15lb dumbbells.



We will have take measurements at the end of the session on Monday so you will have a “before” reference to track your progress. I will also give you a meal plan for the next 2 weeks, (no dieting, even has an “eat anything day” built right in) as well as 12-minute home workouts for you to do on the non-boot camp days.


And, in case you missed the last email, here are the details of the 14 Day Fat Furnace program:




The program is simple in it’s brilliance. You’ll come and workout with me three days per week for two weeks (14 days), do 4 short 10 to 15 minutes workouts at home on the “off” days that I will give you, and eat the foods that I’ve outlined for you in the program. It’s simple actually – just read it and eat it and the results will come.


You will experience soreness in your muscles. Nothing too bad, but definitely some soreness letting you know that you just had an awesome workout.


And the eating program I give you will NOT be a starvation diet. I’m totally against starvation diets. It’s actually a decent amount of calories manipulated in a crafty way to help your body burn maximum fat and to retain muscle tone during the 14 days.


So be sure to take one of the three remaining spots and join us this Monday, April 1st at 5:30am at 411 N. Town East Blvd in Mesquite for the kick start of your 14 Day Fat Furnace program.


To lock in your spot just call me at (214) 263-3680 or reply to this email with your phone number, or just go to this site to register.


14 Day Fat Flush Register Site


Have a great Easter weekend, and I am looking forward to seeing you this Monday.
