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Working Out Sucks!

Lets talk, can we?


No gym, 5 years


Most people think working out sucks! (and some days, I agree) It’s hard to get up early, running around a parking lot or field doing jumping jacks and squats on a cold morning … in the dark especially. It’s hard to drag ourselves to the gym after a long day at work to do bicep curls and leg presses. I believe you; your sentiment is not lost on me.



But those things aren’t why we workout, is it? No one wants to do exercise after exercise or spend hours on the treadmill. No, that’s not why we workout.



We workout because there are things in life that we once were be able to do physically, but can’t anymore. We workout because we want to enjoy outdoor adventures, go hiking, or play ball without killing ourselves or suffering later. We workout so we can stop taking medications just to make it through the day. We workout because we need the strength to travel and visit loved ones we don’t see often enough. We workout so that we can breathe and feel better.



Working out sucks, but we want something; and we know that exercise will help get us there. What is it that you want?



Purpose…adventure…meaning…reinvention…relationships…these are powerful values. What values of yours have slipped away that you just can’t physically do anymore?



Check out this video below, and afterwards, share a comment on what it is you want that exercise would be able to give you. And if you already workout regularly, share a comment on how exercise helps get that for you.