Call us at 214-888-2844

2502 Lawing Ln in Rowlett, Texas

#1 New Year Resolution Mistake

As we start 2013 the gym is going to be packed with people who are all committed to whipping their lazy butts into shape in a hurry.

You’ll hear them say things like:

“I’m going to lose this flab and muscle up”
“I’m going to workout everyday”
“I’m going to cut out all the junk food”
“This year I’m going to get ripped & jacked!”

Now while I appreciate their enthusiasm and desire to get in shape, it’s generally short lived. And you can see literally see the same pattern with every new year…

>> In January the gym will be packed full.

>> By February a lot of the new members will start to drop off.

>> When you get into March & April the gym will be back
to the same old regulars.

Do you know the main reason why so many people quit working out?


…They start off doing TOO MUCH, TOO SOON! More is NOT always better…
When starting any new workout routine you are better off pacing yourself, starting off conservative, and focus on building up your work capacity gradually overtime.

Consistency is MORE IMPORTANT than Intensity.

By taking things at a manageable pace and making slow steady improvements you’ll be able to stick to your program over the long term and actually make some solid progress.

After all, it probably took you months (or years) to get “Out Of Shape”. So don’t try to reverse everything in a couple weeks.

Rather than trying to go about transforming your physique and starting a brand new workout & diet program on your own, why not take the short cut and learn from someone who has been there before and who has already done what you want to do?

By having an experienced bodybuilding coach in your corner, you can save yourself from making a lot of trial and error mistakes. A good coach can set you up with a realistic muscle-building & fat-loss program, one that’s designed for YOUR current fitness level and YOUR body type.

If you are interested in starting 2013 on the right track then you’ll want to give me a call, or register here, for a free comprehensive assessment of your fitness goals. We can design a program together that works for YOU and YOUR goals.


No gym membership? Not a problem. I can train you in your home or apartment fitness facility, or you can be my guest at one of my gym memberships.


The time is now … and you know it. Make the call!