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3 Post Holiday Strategies for a Healthier 2013

Pants a little tight after eating all the festive foods lately? Feeling more tired than usual this morning?


Well, let’s get rid of those extra holiday pounds and boost your vitality with these 3 simple and smart slim-down cleansing strategies that I’m about to share with you here.


After all, there’s no better time to CLEAR your body of toxic gunk (thank you alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and chemicals) and excess weight than the beginning of a new year.


It’s my mission (and duty) to help you start 2013 in the healthiest manner possible. So I’m here to deliver the goods.


But before I do, I must confess that I’m not a fan of cleansing in the traditional sense.


By that, I mean your typical “pop-a-pill” and spend all day on the toilet type of cleanses. The problem with almost all cleanses on the market is that they are completely focused on the WRONG thing.


First of all, “cleansing” has never been something that I have wanted to do, or really thought necessary … until after reading this article from Yuri Elkiam. Yuri is a nationally renowned and respected Registered Holistic Nutritionist and High Performance Health Coach that has helped thousands of people loose weight through eating (yes, I said by eating) more of the foods that help your body work at its optimum level through his proprietary “food-powered” cleanse called Total Wellness Cleanse. And there’s no better time than NOW – the beginning of 2013 – for you to be next!


You’re going to eat anyway, right? Why not eat foods that will actually “fix” your health? Clear out your body safely with nothing more than real FOOD that you pick up at the grocery store each week.


Stay with me here and I’ll summarize the difference. The traditional cleansing product advertisers want you to believe that by buying bottles of their herbal concoctions, supplements, or drinking gallons of “spicy lemonade” that you’ll be able to lose weight and feel more alive than ever.


And although they may show quick results, they will rarely if ever lead to lasting change. That’s no fun if weight loss is your goal, for instance. What good is it to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks only to pack it right back on as soon as you revert back to your old ways to eating after your detox is complete?


I want quick AND lasting change for you. I want you to enjoy incredible vitality and a body you can feel proud of. Not for just a few days but for good.


And that’s exactly what the following 3 healthy cleansing strategies will help you move towards.


Cleansing is important – if it’s done right. It’s not about relying on supplements but rather making small adjustments to the most important thing you do each day … EATING.


Yes, you can eat more and weigh less! Yes, food can heal what ails you! And yes, these foods can actually taste delicious!


But you have to know what you’re doing.

Let’s start with these 3 strategies…

#1 – Get Your AM Drink On

Get your AM drink onYes, that’s right… I want you to drink first thing in the morning. But I’m referring to water, and lots of it. I recommend starting your day with ONE liter of water before ingesting anything else.


Why? Two reasons…


First, you lose a lot water during sleep, therefore, rehydrating when you wake up is important.


Second, since you’re immobile during sleep, the toxins that your body produces and tries to get rid of build up in your liver and bile. Drinking water in the morning can help move those toxins out of your system in your urine and stool.


Bonus tip: Add a squeeze of lemon to your morning water. Lemon stimulates gall bladder contractions, which facilitates the removal of those stored toxins. Lemon also awakens the rest of your digestive tract so you’ll find yourself hopping on the toilet quicker than by drinking a morning coffee.

#2 – Go Green and Enjoy a Liquid Lunch

cleansing-juiceIf I were to give you ONE strategy that could improve your body and health dramatically it would be to add more greens into your diet.


And the easiest way to do that is by liquefying them.


Because let’s be honest … unless you’re a cow grazing the pasture, you’re most likely not going to be eating grasses and leafy greens all day long. But you certainly can throw greens like kale, parsley, swiss chard, lettuce, and any green powders into a blender or juicer, right?


The power of green vegetables lies in their incredibly high levels of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting phytonutrients. Greens are also the major source of alkalinity within our food supply. Without getting too technical here, just realize that when you’re body is too acidic (from eating too much bread and pasta, sugar, and animal products) it becomes prone to sickness, disease, and lethargy.


By eating more vegetables, especially greens, you can restore the natural alkaline pH that your blood requires for optimal health.

#3 – Remove Common Congesting and Allergenic Foods (at least temporarily)

cleansing-inflammatory-foodsFoods like sugar, caffeine, and alcohol are obvious ones to scratch off the list when cleansing your body of toxic build-up in a healthier way.


But not many people realize that foods like corn, soy, grains, and most animal products (especially dairy) are very congesting and taxing on your digestive and immune system.


Essentially, what this means is that by eating these “allergenic” foods on a regular basis, some of their proteins can be identified as foreign invaders by your immune system. As a result, they stimulate inflammation throughout your body, leading to mucus production, congestion, and shunted flow of energy.


The best way to realize this is to experience it first hand. And the only way to do that is by removing these foods from your diet – at least for a few days. Then, once you notice that you have more energy, less congestion, better bowel movements, and have shed needless fat, then you can add them back into your diet (one at a time) to notice their effect on your body.


You’ll be shocked – to say the least.


Not sure where to start? Get step by step directions below.

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