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2502 Lawing Ln in Rowlett, Texas

California Dreamin

In case you didn’t catch it on the Workout of the Week page, this is a repeat of the post I made while in California at a Fitness Business Meeting last month. This is what led to the next chapter of HallMark Bodies … a permanent indoor boot camp and personal training facility!  I’ll give you more details about it later, but for now check out (or re-check out) the post below to get an idea of what the new facility will be like.



If you saw my email or Facebook post the other day, then you know that I just returned from California where I spent some time learning from some awesome fitness mentors on how to grow certain aspects of HallMark Bodies. And if you saw it, maybe you tried the workout that we did. (it was short and very intense!)


Well, they kicked our butts again the next morning. Not as much as the day before, (or maybe I just knew what to expect and was better prepared) but still a great workout in 30 minutes. Put this one in your files to do during the week, or do it tomorrow morning if you dare.


This circuit was done Superset style. You do 2 exercises per station, one after the other for 40 seconds with a 10 second rest between, and repeat for 3 Rounds before moving to the next station. I’ve attached some pics to help you see what the exercises look like if you’re not familiar with the names. Enjoy!




1st station – Superset
1A) Medicine Ball Slams with Burpees (w/hands on the ball)
1B) Spiderman Pushups
2nd station – Superset
2A) Kettlebell Squats (sub with Dumbbell)
2B) Mountain Climbers w/Sliders
3rd station – Superset
3A) Battle Ropes
3B) Banded Bicep Curls (sub with Dumbbells)
4th station – Superset
4A) TRX Sissy Squats (nothing “sissy” about them)
4B) Pushups w/Slider Jackknifes (sub with Squat Thrusts)

